Avon has launched Distillery, a line of vegan skincare products. They are formulated from concentrates made through a rich distillation process to fully preserve the natural potential of the ingredients.

Avon has launched Distillery, a line of vegan skincare products. They are formulated from concentrates made through a rich distillation process to fully preserve the natural potential of the ingredients.
The changing autumn weather, humidity in the air and cold mornings often adversely affect your facial skin. It is recommended to do a deep cleansing at least four times a year, and proper care is necessary every day.
We all like to treat ourselves with nutella sometimes. Some love it on bread, some on pancakes, and we like to eat it with a spoon. This sweet sin does not have some good caloric value and therefore is not a desirable food.
3 Simple Steps That Care About Your Health. Each of us touches the cellphone screen up to 3000 times a day! And with just 3 touches you can save your life. Click on cekiraj.hr on your mobile phone and learn the 3 basic steps for breast self-examination.
Pantyhose are a fashion trend of the 90’s, but when it gets cold we all pull them out of the closet. Black nylon socks are a symbol of sexuality, and they are not forbidden to wear in even the most mundane situations.
Seasonal fruits and vegetables are always the best choice. Foods are known to be the richest in nutrients and various auspicious substances at peak season.
While so far, Jeffree Star cosmetics have only been bought through Beauty Bay, waiting for delivery for a long time and wishing in silence to come to Croatian shelves, this has finally come true.
The process of smudging your home has been around for centuries. It is a sacred art that uses smoldering sage leaves to clear negative energy from a room. The sage can be dried in bundles and then set on fire, allowing the smoke to go throughout a room or home to clean negative energy.
They are cute, colorful and small, and they serve to store your make up, as well as skincare products. Some preparatory products work better when cold, which is why this mini fridge was created.
Are you truly happy? When was the last time you felt happy? If you don’t know the answer to these questions, or have stopped and thought, then it’s time to take action. Let’s remind ourselves how nice it is to be happy and start October with little things that will mean a lot to us and that will remind us that we are happy and that it doesn’t take much for happiness. Are you with us?