You want to lose weight in a healthy and safe way without having to return a weight after the diet, then this is an ideal diet for you – “fist” diet.

You want to lose weight in a healthy and safe way without having to return a weight after the diet, then this is an ideal diet for you – “fist” diet.
Premenstrual syndrome or shortened PMS occurs in women a few days before menstruation and often affects women negatively. PMS is a disorder composed of a set of emotional, cognitive and behavioral symptoms.
Judging by weather forecasts summer seems miles away but a long-term forecasts announce a long summer sun-swept. What do you need to know about preparing your skin and body for the coming summer and the sea?
Fast life-style, stress caused by a lack of time and fast unhealthy food are just some of the causes of toxins in our body.
If you regularly follow Instagram and bloggers and Influencers, you’ve probably seen Skinny Coffee. If you still do not know what it is, continue reading this article.
Sometimes it seems that the story of carbs has more to do than a tense novel. Physicians worried about the growing number of heart disease patients have been advised by past-generation patients to eat less fat – and more carbohydrates.
This summer we have all spend hours under the sun hoping to get that golden tan. Driven by that, sometimes we skip all those directions for healthy tanning because we want to achieve it as soon as possible.
We take all this time to get that perfect tan, and when the holidays are over, that same tan becomes to fade away. The skin is breathing and regenerating, so that first tanned skin layer is slowly changing with a new one, and you could notice that by seeing those brown traces after wipeing your skin with a towel.