Coffee fans can not spend a day without consuming this drink, and we bring you a way to make it even more delicious. Make your own homemade coffee syrup and make the coffee even tastier for the start of the day.

Coffee fans can not spend a day without consuming this drink, and we bring you a way to make it even more delicious. Make your own homemade coffee syrup and make the coffee even tastier for the start of the day.
Dandruff are probably the most common problem you encounter when dealing with your hair. It is the result of overeating peeling of your scalp. Every two weeks the skin cells on the scalp naturally regenerate and remove in the form of thin, invisible flakes. But due to some factors cellular recovery can accelerate. Then there are clusters of dead cells that we call dandruff.
Coffee oil is one of the oils that can be used by any skin type. It has the same PH as the PH skin. Its composition maintains balance and optimum skin hydration.
The cleaning products leave us a great deal of money, and most of the products contain various substances and chemicals that are all but unhealthy for us and our environment.
We all want beautiful and glowing skin, but unfortunately every one of us can experience skin problems, most commonly acne. Below you can find 3 homemade masks for acne-fighting.
Hair on the face is present in all women but some are more pronounced. With age, hair on the face in women appears more and more, apart from aging, the reason for their excessive growth can be pills, different medications and pronounced female hormones.
Changing the season and full moon often happens to make you feel restless during the day and at night you might have insomnia. About one of three people have insomnia at some point in their life. Moon frequencies affect the frequencies of the mental body, ie the human mind and thus we feel as increased anxiety and depression.
Aloe vera, a plant that was in ancient Egypt called the plant of immortality, is one of the home plants that are the easiest to breed. Throughout history many famous people and doctors used aloe vera. Before the healing power of aloe vera were considered secret. Today, scientific research reveals the rich chemical composition of the plant, which explains its remarkable properties.
Cleopatra loved the scent of roses so much that she drank the sail of her ship into a rosewater, so that when it was blown in the wind, the wind-blossom signaled her arrival to the her lover. Egyptian Queen Cleopatra was widely known for the beauty of her skin, and she nursed her with rosewater.
Wit every new year comes new wrinkles. Laughing wrinkles are the product of the most beautiful emotion – happines, wrinkles from anger are those bad ones, and wrinkles that come with aging when our skin just starts to relax.