Beauty lovers around Balkan sure know who this girl is. She is a true makeup lover and one of the most talented girls. Keep on reading and get inspired by Enisa Ahmatović.

Beauty lovers around Balkan sure know who this girl is. She is a true makeup lover and one of the most talented girls. Keep on reading and get inspired by Enisa Ahmatović.
If you like to stand out from most of the people with the jewelry you wear, then you have to check out brand Ginger Deer Studio. This Studio makes beautiful jewelry from epoxy resin.
If you want to have a nice and nourishing skin, you can’t really achieve that without using a body scrub. While using a body scrub, dead cells and impurities are peeled off from your skin surface and at the same time your circulation is stimulated. You can find different kind of body scrubs in different stores, it all depends on your skin type or a scent that you prefer, or maybe something else that you want from a body scrub. But what if I guarantee that you can get everything you want in a body scrub with just a few simple products that we all have.
Makeup artist is a professional and artist that can achieve many great things in their career. One of those makeup artists is our makeup queen Tea Šabić. To learn more about Tea, keep on reading.
The month of love is coming and with him Essence prepare something sweet for every makeup lover. We could not resist to peek at the new collection. New trendy Essence collection “we are …” is here to celebrate all the unique friendships. The varied shades of red in combination with the cold gray shades provide the perfect BFF look.
If you follow our page and our other social medias, especially instagram and youtube, you probably know that a few months ago I purchased this palette from the controversal Jeffree Star, who I love and appreciate as a makeup artist. I took some time to test this palette so I could share with you my thoughts, since this is a bit more expensive palette, and I wanted to this review before his new palette comes out (which I’m dying to see). So let’s get stared!
Today We have prepared for you post about multi-functional miraculous substance – baking soda. Except that this ingredient is well known in the kitchen, it is more than a good helper in beauty. It can be used as a replacement for a variety of expensive products and it is good for face skin and in the fight against dark circles under the eyes.
Manicure is the main part of most women beauty rituals. The word manicure is made from two latin words, “manus” meaning hand and “cure” meaning care. Today’s manicures more often include different colors and nail art, and for that you need a lot of practice and patience. What does our artist Nina says about it, read below.
Since Christmas is just around the corner, I thought it was the perfect time to share with you some affordable gift ideas. I know that usually guys have problems with what to give to their girls and I’m sure that this post will help them. Also, this gifts are appropriate for everyone and maybe you want to treat yourself this Christmas and buy something nice for yourself, which is great as well. I’m writing this post in collaboration with This is a new, amazing and affordable site where you can find everything and I highly recommend it for all of you to go check it out. And now, let’s start with the gifts.
The skin on your lips is extremely sensitive, especially in these winter days. For each of us at least once a year, our lips become chapped. Today We bring you a quick solution to this problem. Homemade lip scrub that anyone can make, it requires only a little time and some of the stuff that we all have at home.