milk teeth

The sprouting of milk teeth

Since I became a mother, I have waged a battle like any parent with the emergence of their child’s first milk teeth. Since I deal with dental hygiene, many people thought that it was a lot easier for me to overcome the “crises” that tooth decay entails, but I have to admit that we have suffered as well.
Encouraged with my experience I bring you some general information on the order of growing of baby teeth, difficulties and SOS in tooth decay of children.

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Early childhood caries

A very interesting topic, and at the same time a topic that is so often skipped and marked as UNNECESSARY!? Questions such as, “Should baby teeth be brushed? Do baby teeth need to be treated and repaired? ”Or sentences of the type:“ My baby’s teeth have broken and blackened by themselves. ”-> are just some of the must-have questions I face on a daily basis. Today in this article I bring you all about early childhood caries. I believe it’s worth taking a minute to read.

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