These seeds come from the same plant that provides fabric-making fibers. Do you consume the healthiest seeds of the world? Read why you should.
Chinese medicine believes that every part of our face represents certain organs in our body, and when problems arise in certain areas, it shows us that we have other health problems to deal with.
We get closer to that time of year when we leave thick winter clothes and dress something lighter. During the winter months it is difficult to avoid accumulation of fat deposits because we are less moving than during the warmer months. A couple more pound we were successfully hiding under layers of clothing but now is the time to get back into shape.
We all have an idea what is healthy for us and what is not, but there are specific facts about health that will surprise you. Below you can read 10 facts about health that you didn’t know.
In tropical forests along the Amazon River, a sbushy berry tree is known as Camu camu. Among the many positive effects on Camu camu’s health is the fruit that contains the highest amount of natural vitamin C, even 30-60 times more than orange. By weight, even three percent of the fruit is pure vitamin C.
Cleopatra loved the scent of roses so much that she drank the sail of her ship into a rosewater, so that when it was blown in the wind, the wind-blossom signaled her arrival to the her lover. Egyptian Queen Cleopatra was widely known for the beauty of her skin, and she nursed her with rosewater.
Green tea is a real source of health, and if you want to throw coffee out of everyday use it is best to replace it with this tea. A green tea cup every day keeps you healthy, stimulates weight loss and protects your health.
Today, no one still believe in old statements about how cigarettes are “healthy” – most people are aware of how they can affect us. However, many people still smoke and most likely will never stop. Cigarettes and Health – What You Need to Know, read below.
Winter is indeed a special time of year for a simple reason. It has its own charms, positive and negative sides. Some love it, some despise. It is often talked about something like seasonal affective disorder, where depression is often present. That is why it is important to prepare well for the upcoming months and the cold that is increasing below zero. How to stay healthy during winter? Read below.
Muscle inflammation, also known as “muskulfiber”, is a natural immune response to the organism, which occurs when the body is exposed to more intense activity than otherwise, with the muscle experiencing stress. During this physiological process micro-damage to the muscle is created and the body activates the defense mechanism. All you need to know about muscle inflammation, read below.