Drink this tea for a month and here’s what’s going to happen
Green tea is a real source of health, and if you want to throw coffee out of everyday use it is best to replace it with this tea. A green tea cup every day keeps you healthy, stimulates weight loss and protects your health.
Green tea comes from China where they have known it since ancient times. Native medicine believed that green tea cured almost all illnesses. The green tea cup contains about 50-100 mg of caffeine and 300-400 mg of polyphenols that are responsible for the antioxidant effect of tea.
To date, scientists have discovered more than 300 green tea ingredients, some of which have very healing properties, and are often recommended as tea that helps prevent a variety of health problems.
Already after a month of consuming Green Tea you will notice significant changes in and on your body.
What will happen if you consume Green Tea?
Weight Loss – Green tea is good for weight loss because compared to all other teas, are the richest with polyphenols that are known as epigalocatehin-3-galate (EGCG) or catechins. They work by increasing the rate of oxidation of fat in the body, preventing hunger hormones, controlling appetite, improving weight loss and preventing new fat deposits.
Cancer Protection – Precisely because it contains polyphenols – natural chemicals containing catechins (antioxidants that can inhibit cancer by reducing DNA damage and prevent cancer cell growth) green tea reduces the chance of developing stomach and colon cancer.
Skin protection – High antioxidant levels in green tea and vitamins E and C slow down the aging processes of the skin. That’s why green tea is the ingredient of a growing number of cosmetic products.
Soothes and improves concentration – Regular consumption of green tea lowers the level of stress hormones. Green Tea contains an amino acid L-tean that has been proven to relieve anxiety and caffeine that improves concentration and memory.
Regulates Cholesterol Levels – Green tea has an alkaline effect and reduces cholesterol levels. Green tea reduces “bad” cholesterol, at the same time without changing the level of “good” one.

How to properly prepare tea?
The greatest benefit to your health will be if you drink freshly prepared tea that has been left for 3 to 5 minutes. During these few minutes the catechins go out to the surface and have a better effect when the tea is brewed.
Do not prepare green tea with boiling water than in water that is heated to 60-70 °C.
If you have health problems and want to start drinking Green Tea, and if you are consuming the medication, talk to your doctor first.
Do you want to know more about the benefits of ginger tea? Read HERE.
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