
How to speed up hair growth

Long hair is more and more imperative for girls. Although there are courageous women wearing a short hair, however, a large percentage of girls are loyal to long hair. Wavy or straight, it is irrelevant as long as it is healthy and nourished. What happens when our hair does not listen and when it grows slowly? Below, we bring you some first-hand tips to speed up hair growth.

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A pretty smile is half the health

A pretty smile is half the health! Today, we are all aware of the trend that is brought to us by modern times and that is beautiful and white teeth. Following the latest trends and methods, we can be lost in the sea of products and actually forget what’s really important – the health of our teeth, but also our gums! In order to keep our teeth healthy, in daily care, we use a toothbrush and of course a pasty. In this article we will help you choose the toothbrush and toothpaste that are ideal for you and your needs.

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How to make your lips bigger using only makeup

Although we are all beautiful in our own way and every woman has their own specialties, sometimes we would like to have bigger lips, smaller nose or pronounced cheeks. Some people decide on operations that will change their appearance, which is not necessarily bad because each of us has the right to feel comfortable in their skin and choose what will make them happy. Although there are many trends and ideas about how a modern woman should look, and because of it we do not need to change ourselves, sometimes it’s fun to play with makeup and see how different we can look. That is why we are writing today about the trend of big, full lips. How to make your lips bigger using only makeup? Read below.

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The key to good looks - moisturizing cream

The key to good looks – moisturizing cream

The key to good looks, especially makeup, is to have a good base. A good base is not a primer or a foundation, but what comes first. Facial and skin care is the foundation for a good look. No matter what type of skin you have, you need a hydrating cream. On the market there are a number of moisturizing creams, but not all of top quality. That is why today we bring you a cream for which we are sure you will be delighted with as much as we are.

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