What to bring to the beach and how to protect your stuff?

Often we find our shoulders full of bags and hands full of deck chairs walking tiny hundred yards to the beach. Do we need all this? What is necessary on the beach and how to efficiently hide the money and cards from the potential thief’s on the beach? Read more below.

From being a kid we learned not to go on the beach without a refrigerator full of sandwiches, books and magazines for killing time between swimming, several types of face and body creams before and after swimming or tents in which we will be hiding because we do not want to bump into dangerous rays the sun.

Every time we go to the sea, we have to watch out on our things because we are afraid that someone will intentionally or by mistake take them. Sometimes it really can be tiring, and we change our vacation mood with tiredness and stress. Why wouldn’t you this year replace a pile of bags with just one? And yes, all you need is going to fit in just one bag.

What to bring to the beach and how to protect your stuff?
What to bring to the beach?
What to bring to the beach?

Towel – with no towels don’t go anywhere. This is not too much to explain. One big towel is enough for you. Between the bath the sun will dry it and prepare for new use, there is really no need for three different towels. When you are finished with a towel, wash the salt and prepare it for new use.

Deck chair – you can usually rent a beach chair at the beach, but if you are not the type to spend money and prefer to have your own deck chair, you can always buy an easy-to-flex lounger deck chair.

Protective cream – You do not need ten creams, one is enough with a high SPF factor, and after sunbathing and coming into the apartment or hotel, rinse the salt with yourself and apply any hydrating lotion.

Book – a pocket book is enough for a day at the beach, does not take up a lot of places and be realistic you will not read the whole day on the beach.

Snacks – If you catch hunger, it’s always good to find a snack nearby. On the beach, take dry snacks that will not melt in the sun and those that are saturated. Eg. sticks, rice cookies etc.

A lot of fluids – water is needed throughout the day but on the way to the beach it will be warm. Protect it with mini protective bags that will keep your drink cold for hours after you reach the beach.

Mobile phone – you have to take your pictures of vacation  and who knows maybe nearby you can catch wi-fi, so you do not need a book for relaxation.

Money for ice cream or cold drink – do not wear the whole wallet, just bring as much money as you will need for a day on the beach. Leave the documents in the apartment or hotel.

Read about trendy beach pices – here.

How to protect your money and mobile phone on the beach?

Money can hide in the sanitary pad. Thieves will certainly not poke things intended for intimate care.

What to bring to the beach and how to protect your stuff?
Thieves will certainly not poke things intended for intimate care

Used suncream – the cream you’ve spent last year. Clean it well and store the cell phone and the money inside.

What to bring to the beach and how to protect your stuff?
Used suncream

In a can of coca cola – an interesting place that no one will surely look at.

What to bring to the beach and how to protect your stuff?
Hide your stuff in Coca Cola can

For more summer tricks click here. With these tips and tricks you will have a year without stress. Enjoy with full lungs.

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