The Most Common Misconceptions About Exercising
We all try to maintain a regular training routine and adhere to the advice that should help us to achieve the best training results – in terms of form, overall health, as well as in the case of a slim and tight body. However, often contradictory information is coming to us, some of which may affect the number of mistakes we make during training, that is, lack of results or hurting ourselves.
Misconceptions About Exercising
The best time for training is in the morning
This statement is largely untrue, ie there is no definition to determine what time is really best for training – whether it is evening workouts at the gym or early morning workout. Every organism is different, and at different times of the day it feels ready for training. So, it is best to choose the time that best suits you, as well as being regular about your workout routines.
It is possible to stay in shape after a few weeks break
Unfortunately, no matter how much you are in training, research has shown that only a week break is enough to start losing muscle mass. So do not lose this fact out of your sight and try not to skip your training, as well as not to do breaks, because it is much easier to get out of shape than to get it.
Long-distance running is the only one effective
You do not have to run a marathon to contribute to the health of your cardiovascular system, and to be in shape. It is also proven that short distances are equally desirable – let’s say 30 minutes of running in continuity is already optimal. Also, light jogging or long walks are an option that is healthy for your body, if you are not a fan of intense cardio training.
Energy drinks improve training
Big mistake! During your training you need hydration, which you will get from water only. And after training, a light protein meal is recommended.
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Autor: Ema Brajdić, IFBB Bikini
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