HIIT – High Intensity Intermediate Training
Practitioners without experience and knowledge, HIIT training acts as a holy grail for weight loss when they read about it, but when they want to practice it, it quickly becomes too big a bite and drops out of it very quickly. Numerous studies have confirmed a greater efficiency of fat burning than traditional aerobic training using HIIT training. Just because you are a beginner in exercise does not mean that interval intensive training is not a good choice for you.
HIIT – High Intensity Intermediate Training
HIIT or interval intensive training is a form of cardio training during which high intensity training intervals with those of low intensity (eg slow walking) or full relaxation alternate. Such training lasts between 15 and 30 minutes.
The advantage of this training is losing a lot of calories in a short time, so this is an excellent option for all those who do not have too much free time.
HIIT is effective in increasing strength, endurance, accelerating metabolism and increasing growth hormone that contributes to “fat burning”.
If you wonder how your training should be intense, the best answer to that question is that you have to know your limit and listen to your body. Change training as needed, customize it and make every move properly.
Tips for Beginners
For beginners in the HIIT training method, the simplest are these three variants of the content of the work interval:
- Monostructural activities carried out at high speed
- A large number of repetitions of complex exercises of less to medium load
- A small number of repetitions of complex middle to high load exercises
HIIT training can be done anywhere (indoor or outdoor, in the park etc.) and with or without training equipment and accessories (orbiter, stepper, stationary bicycle, running belt, rowing ergometer, skipping luggage, box bag, kettlebell / weights, weights, etc.).

HIIT training can be run as a separate training or at the end of your usual training session in the gym (then you do not have to be specially prepared but just start at a slower pace).
Tabata protocol
One of the most known and most effective variants of the HIIT method is Tabata Protocol – the fastest and most intense in duration. In this case, duration is really not important because even though it lasts only 4 minutes (8 intervals of very intensive 20-second intervals between which a 10-second pause is switched on), which may sound briefly and lightly only to someone who has not tried but if everything is done correctly – that could be your hardest 4 minute ever in training!
This will eventually improve aerobic, anaerobic and muscular endurance as if you were doing 45 minutes of standard aerobic training. Beginners should cautiously and gradually dose taboos – with longer duration but with significantly less intensity.
However, HIIT is not the only type of training you can use if you want to make long-term progress. Only those miraculous 10 minutes a day may in a short time make a wow effect, but in the long run will not bring you the desired results. Nutrition, recovery and other training methods such as continuous aerobic training and weight training must be included in the whole process, because long-term monitoring of the daily use of HIIT training methods can cause unwanted effects such as overload and overt syndrome, which is certainly not desirable.
HIIT is very stressful, and to be able to do it better and to improve it better, it can be done several times a week, not every day. Use it as a Joker method that will speed up your progress, but as a basis for your training, however, use training with a more comfortable intensity and greater breadth of impact on the development of functional abilities.
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Author: Ema Brajdić, IFBB Bikini
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