Favorite autumn fruit in health service
Finally, we waited so long for the chestnut season and it is here. The smell of roasted chestnut began to spread lightly in the streets, but what few people know are his health benefits and why it should be included in our diet.
Favorite autumn fruit in health service
Chestnut is very good for pregnant women and diabetics because it protects the heart, lowers pressure and strengthens immunity. Also, chest regulates digestion as it contains dietary fiber that stimulates bowel activity, prevents inflammation and reduces discomfort, and also helps with absorption of nutrients.
Chestnut contains healthy fat that is very necessary, although many people are living in the mistake of making us fat damages. Of course, those bad ones are harming us, but the fat that has chestnuts does not harm us, but quite the opposite, we need it! Our body can not function without healthy fat. They help us to balance cholesterol, reduce inflammation in the body and reduce the risk of blood clots.
Chestnut fruit
The fruit of chestnut is reddish-brown and smooth. It grows within the prickly liner that sprinkles in the fall when the fruit ripens. Chestnuts belong to a group of nuts but their relatives (walnuts, almonds and hazelnuts) differ in lower fat content and high starch content, and only contain vitamin C. There are hundreds of different types of chestnuts known. Generally, they are divided into gentle and wild. Gentles are edible, and a special treat among them are lovran marunas that are sweeter and larger than ordinary chestnuts. On the other hand, wild chestnut, which unfortunately is not for eating, possesses healing properties. It is most often mentioned as an aid in varicose veins and capillary damage.

Chestnuts are also a good source of potassium and folic acid and dietary fiber necessary for the proper functioning of the digestive system. Chestnut is a food that has a somewhat higher energy value. Although chestnut fruit is very nutritious, it is very difficult to digest. It is interesting that roasted chestnuts contain more vitamins and cooked a higher amount of mineral constituents.
Chestnut tea and other preparations
Chestnuts are known to help with digestive and renal disorders. Chestnut tea helps with the symptoms of asthma and bronchitis. Make it so that you put a handful of fresh leaves or half a hand of dried chestnut leaves on half a liter of hot water and let it stand. You can also tear tea at colds and inflammation of the throat.
The tincture made from parts of this plant proved to be very effective against the hemorrhoids.
Chestnut honey is very healthy and enhances circulation, protects the liver, helps with gastritis, anemia, and physical and intellectual exhaustion.
Chestnut crust is rich in tannins (containing more than 10% tannins) and are used as adstrings (mucous membrane and damaged skin).
Chestnut fringe are used to stop diarrhea and bleeding as well as external skin injuries.
Cooked fruits purify blood, especially help with uric acid, and are recommended for gout and rheumatoid arthritis.
Autor: Ema Brajdić, IFBB Bikini
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