The cutest handbag from the Gamiss collection is found in our hands. The new bag always comes in well. It is desirable even to have a few.
Winter is no longer an enemy to our lips, wonder why? You will found out the answer in our new post. In those winter days, our lips are most affected. They are constantly exposed to external influences, winter and cold weather are just passing us off. We should provide to our lips the same care as we give to our face and body.
The 5 dresses every woman should own in 2018, do you know what dresses are those? There are never enough dresses in the closet. Whether you’re going out, at a wedding or a romantic dinner, you can never dress the same dress.
Fashion designers and brands dictate what’s in, and what is out … but what with us girls who love fashion and really want to find that one special dress but can’t afford it? And the budget? Hmm … that is another story.
Hello dear readers,
this beautiful jacket is new in my closet. I have long wanted to take a boyfriend jacket and I found this on Zaful’s page. What I wanted to share with you in this post is the history of denim. Have you ever wondered what is origin of Denim, such a powerful material that has been worn for years ? I am, and I will tell you a short story about it. 🙂