How to get free samples of products?
Deciding to buy a full size product before you test it puts us in an unsafe position. What if we invest money in a product that will disappoint us? Are we ready to gamble?
Each body will react differently to each ingredient, so it is necessary to examine its formulation on skin before purchasing an unknown product. That is precisely why there are free samples. Free samples provide us with a small amount of products, most often one-time packaging, to see if product really fits us and if we are ready to purchase.
For most products, it is very difficult to get free sample so we are forced to purchase the product in the original size. Sometimes we’re lucky, so the product responds to us, and sometimes it’s nothing more than waste of money.
For this reason, we have started the research and collected all the websites where you can order free samples on the market of known products. All in one place. Below you will find a list of brands and links where you can order a free product sample.
Also read the article about TESTER BOX.
NUXE cosmetics http://nuxe.hr/NuxeUzorci/
YVES ROCHER cosmetics http://yves-rocher.com.hr/pretrazivanje/?q=test&sortOrder=introDate&filterPrice=0-9999&filterCollection=0&AspxAutoDetectCookieSupport=1
SILVERJGIFT.COM samples of face masks https://www.pearlgift.co.uk/dept/free-beauty-samples-giveaways_d0145.htm
EQULIBRA cosmetics http://vitalmarket.storitve.info/
SAN natural cosmetics https://san10.hr/uzorci/
EUCERIN product testing https://ext11.eucerin.hr/29/vas-eucerin/testiranje/testing.php
VICHY powders http://www.surveygizmo.com/s3/3980819/PUDERI-SRB-zatrazi-uzorak
MULTIACTIV http://www.multiactiv.rs/testiranje-proizvoda
NIVEA https://www.nivea.hr/aktualno/promocije-i-akcije
PERSKINDOL gel and spray https://www.perskindol.hr/uzorak
PARADOSIAKA GREEK OLIVE & HERBS http://greek-olive.com/free-samples-herbal-oil/
BIOVITALIS http://www.biovitalis.hr/proizvodi/set-testera-biovitalis-proizvoda-detalji.html
BE SAFE hand gel https://www.besafe.uk.com/sample
LUSH (registration is required before ordering sample) https://www.lush.hr/shop/product/product/id/2162/keyword/tester/tester
ALORA calm herbal sedative https://alora.ba/besplatan-uzorak/
GENGIGEL hyaluronic acid https://www.gengigel.hr/narudzba-uzorka-gengigel/
TENA menstrual pads https://www.tena.hr/tenalady/proizvodi/besplatni-uzorak?cmpid=aw-tenahr-display-POPUPTENALadySlim
LIBRESS menstrual pads https://zena.rtl.hr/clanak/seksualno_zdravlje/libresse_trostuka_zastita_od_propustanja/15868#prijava_uzorci
OD GLAVE DO PETE Multi Gyn Acti-gel http://odglavedopete.rs/narucite-uzorke/
MULTI-GYN https://www.multi-gyn.com.hr/uzorak/
CRYIO SAVE for pregnant women http://rs.cryo-save.com/sr-rs/izvori/10-razloga-za-cryo-save/?infopack=1
NOVALAC PRENATAL capsule https://www.novalac-prenatal.hr/narudzba-besplatnog-uzorka/
PAMPERS https://www.pampers.com.hr/ponude-kupona
PROMO SOUNDPRO free headsets http://promo.soundpro.ru/free-sample/
AURIS DIZAJN invitations http://aurisdizajn.hr/naruci-uzorak/
APIFUMI smoke sticks https://www.apifumi.eu/besplatni-uzorak-apifumi-dimnog-stapica/
DORMISANO magnetic bracelets http://narukvice.dormisano.com/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=narukvice#!/narucujem
DOSING DEVICE https://www.orderyourdosingdevice.com/sr-Cyrl-RS/order
AQUA LIBRE water (only 1800 random pick people gets the sample) https://aqualibra.com/pages/try-aqua-libra-for-free
DR. BECKMANN color catcher http://www.lovacnaboje.com/porucivanje/
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