How to wear tartan

The tartan is a kind of woolen fabric of a woven pattern. Although similar patterns exist for centuries and in many other cultures, today it is considered almost exclusively Scottish. Tartan is one of those patterns that are always in the trend, and it is wear by Madonna, Rod Stewart and the British Queen.

How to make face tonic from “plant of immortality”?

Aloe vera, a plant that was in ancient Egypt called the plant of immortality, is one of the home plants that are the easiest to breed. Throughout history many famous people and doctors used aloe vera.  Before the healing power of aloe vera were considered secret. Today, scientific research reveals the rich chemical composition of the plant, which explains its remarkable properties.

roses water

The secret of Cleopatra’s beauty is in your hands

Cleopatra loved the scent of roses so much that she drank the sail of her ship into a rosewater, so that when it was blown in the wind, the wind-blossom signaled her arrival to the her lover. Egyptian Queen Cleopatra was widely known for the beauty of her skin, and she nursed her with rosewater.