Premenstrual syndrome or shortened PMS occurs in women a few days before menstruation and often affects women negatively. PMS is a disorder composed of a set of emotional, cognitive and behavioral symptoms.

Premenstrual syndrome or shortened PMS occurs in women a few days before menstruation and often affects women negatively. PMS is a disorder composed of a set of emotional, cognitive and behavioral symptoms.
Aphthae, wounds in the mouth that cause discomfort and pain in touch or stimulation. They appear to be an autoimmune reaction of the organism, but it is not yet established exactly where the body’s response occurs. One of the positive things is that they are not contagious and, apart from the inconveniences that they cause in your mouth, pass without consequences.
Did you know that you can look shiny and fresh with almost no makeup? To achieve a fresh look, it is necessary to know how to choose the right products. To make your face bright and fresh all you need is illuminators or highlighters. Can you combine those two and what is the difference between these two products you can found out down below.