Quick two day detox plan
Fast life-style, stress caused by a lack of time and fast unhealthy food are just some of the causes of toxins in our body.
If you’ve been tired and exhausted for a long time, have no motivation, or have flatulence, it’s time to clean your body from toxins. Below we provide you with a diet plan for cleansing the body and establishing its balance.
This diet helps with digestion regulation, but also provides the energy needed to carry out everyday activities.
What is detoxification?
Detoxification is the process of ejecting harmful substances from the organism, or ‘cleaning’ the organism. It is also well known that pregnant women and breastfeeding women should not be doing detoxification.
First day:
2 dcl of warm water
cup of oatmeal with flax seeds
2 dcl of green tea
½ cup of blueberry plain yogurt or unsweetened almond milk
2 dcl of water
2 cup salads (tomatoes or something green) with lemon juice or olive oil
250 grams of roasted fish like an oak
250 grams of mangle with olive oil and potatoes
1 banana
1 piece of melon
2 dcl of water
1 apple
180 ml plain yogurt
¼ cup of pumpkin seeds
2 dcl of water
2 cups of green salad with olive oil and lemon
150 grams of tuna from the grill or baked on the pan
cup of cooked green vegetables
aniseed tea
a healthy bread slice
Second day:
2 dcl of warm water
200 ml unaltered almond milk or yogurt
one cup of oatmeal with flax seeds
1 pear
1 cup of green tea
2 dcl of water
1 grape juice
2 dcl of water
vegetable soup (peas, potatoes, carrots, onions, celery)
200 grams of roast chicken breasts
150 grams of cucumber
2 dcl of water
Wheat and Carrots with Lemon Juice
a small slice of healthy bread
2 dcl of water
cup of green tea
Detoxification of the body needs to be done every 3-4 months so that the body can function successfully. Detoxification is best initiated by consuming 2dl of warm water each morning on an empty stomach.
Read more about the topic: Basic nutritionists needed for a healthy life
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