Nutrition for a healthy heart
Maintaining a body shape and smart nutrition are two ways to reduce the risk of heart disease, which is one of the most widespread diseases. Sports-active people often believe that they do not have to look for fat intake or worry about a healthy heart because they are engaged in sports. They think that the sport will protect them from that illness. That is not correct! No one is an exception. Even athletes can get a heart attack. And serious athletes and recreationalists must be aware of consumed ice creams, cakes, biscuits, cheese and other products that are full of saturated fats and cholesterol. For this reason, we are going to give you some more information on the subject: Nutrition for a Healthy Heart.
Some important questions
Unfortunately, most of us are confused by constant news and changes in attitudes about the causes of heart disease. We wonder what are the real answers to the questions that follow.
Is beef good or bad?
A few years ago, people did not eat meat believing that meat affects clogging arteries. Today, experts say that small amounts of raw beef are not so harmful, especially for athletes who need iron, zinc and other important ingredients. Despite the popular belief, beef does not have high cholesterol levels; its value is similar to that of chicken and fish. However, beef has more saturated fat than chicken and fish and is on the “black list.” These saturated fats are a greater risk of cholesterol. In the last decade, the quality of beef and other meat has improved, as animals are bred healthy, and meat is cut off in warehouses. Therefore, beef (and pork and lamb) can easily be included in sports nutrition if
- you choose lean pieces of meat
- you eat smaller quantities – say the size of the palm.
Are eggs good or bad?
Eggs also gained a negative line when it comes to health. Medical experts say the eggs are harmful because one egg has 210 mg of cholesterol. This is very close to the recommended limit of 300 mg per day. However, recent studies have shown that egg cholesterol has very little effect on blood cholesterol levels in most people, especially in combination with the overall non-nutritious diet. To date, it is not proven that cholesterol affects your blood cholesterol level, as most cholesterol is produced in the liver. We know that fat affects how the body handles cholesterol. Especially saturated fats (which are found in butter and animal fat) reduce the body’s ability to remove the harmful form of cholesterol that clogs the arteries. We also know that some people are more prepared than others to cholesterol lower food and that their intake should be recommended according to individual characteristics of the individual. Therefore, in the case of eggs, their consumption should be reduced if you have high levels of cholesterol in the blood and if someone from your family has had heart disease. Conversely, if you have a low level of cholesterol and no one in your family has had a heart attack, this high-value meal can be included in your diet plan.
Is cooking oil good or bad?
Oils are an acceptable type of fat that can be incorporated into a healthy diet. Single-unsaturated fats found in olive oil and canola oil (Canadian rape oil) are designated as heroes for health protection and these oils are better than safflower oil, corn, sunflower and other highly unsaturated vegetable oils. You can use them in salads, pasta and sauces, only in moderate amounts so that most calories are of carbohydrate origin. When it comes to selecting healthy cooking oils, the main rule is “how much softer it is”. Soft oil means that it has a higher percentage of unsaturated fatty acids and, conversely, with hard oils, margarine and vegetable fats. Liquid oils are better than animal fats that are solid at room temperature: butter, bacon, game and meat fat.
Product label information will help you compare types and amounts of fat and cholesterol and choose the foods that match your daily “fat budget”.
Author: Ema Brajdić, IFBB Bikini
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