How to stay healthy during winter?
Winter is indeed a special time of year for a simple reason. It has its own charms, positive and negative sides. Some love it, some despise. It is often talked about something like seasonal affective disorder, where depression is often present. That is why it is important to prepare well for the upcoming months and the cold that is increasing below zero. How to stay healthy during winter? Read below.
We have to know how to take care of our bodies and keep them in the best shape so we could do all the daily activities, and one of those activities is training.
Disease prevention
During winter season there are bigger chances to get sick then it is when it is warmer outside. It is good to know how to best prevent those diseases:
- Cover your nose and face with a handkerchief during sneezing or coughing
- Wash hands often with soap and water, especially after sneezing
- Wash hands with disinfectants
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
In the case of “catching” the cold, it is most important to have enough rest and to look after the body hydration.
What to eat during winter?
Of course, most importantly, it is always to eat foods that contain high quality nutritional ingredients. In addition, foods rich in vitamins, carbohydrates and high quality fats are ideal for colds. Of course, in winter you should not eat more than usual, but maintain a balanced diet throughout the year. In addition, it is especially important to focus on:
- vitamins such as B, C, D i E
- antioxidants, proteins and fibers.
- Foods that have less refined sugar and saturated fat.
As mentioned above, it is especially desirable to drink large amounts of water. Normally, during the summer we are more aware of it because our bodies are more and more reluctant to drink fluids because of the high heat. In the winter you can easily forget it. Additionally, the introduction of a greater amount of water will affect our skin, which is very sensitive to cracking and dryness due to low temperatures.
Don’t forget to be active!
Of course, during winter it is usually harder to feel motivated. It is often recommended more frequent, but shorter exercises so as not to lose motivation. It is understood to be a gym where there is a pleasant warmth, a good atmosphere and a society.
Author: Ema Brajdić, IFBB Bikini
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