Do you consume the healthiest seeds of the world? You should
These seeds come from the same plant that provides fabric-making fibers. Do you consume the healthiest seeds of the world? Read why you should.
Flax is one of those plants in which every part is usable; since the seeds compressed to form to produce linseed oil, protein-rich remains of this process are given to horses to make their hair shiny. Seeds are equally healthy for humans, especially thanks to lutein phytoestrogens. Flax is the richest source of these previously disclosed compounds. Many of them are used as a nutritious gluten-free alternative and love it because of its recognizable noodle flavor. Their value for health and beauty was appreciated by ancient people as well, and some of their experience encourages you to discover all the health benefits that are hidden in them.
Healing powers
A spoon of ground flax seed flakes lined with cereal flakes or yogurt for the first morning meal provides a lightweight 2.3 grams of fiber, which is often more than wheat flour contains itself. But flax seeds are most appreciated for their lignans. They in the body act like estrogen’s, preventing estrogen receptors in cells, and contributing to the reduction in frequency of some types of cancer associated with hormonal changes, such as breast cancer.

Laneted seeds are also an excellent source of alpha linolenic acid (ALK), the essential fatty acid used by the body to produce omega-3 fatty acids. ALK diluents blood and makes it less sticky, thus reducing the risk of heart attack and stroke. These tiny seeds, thanks to the huge reserves of soluble fiber, can still lower the level of cholesterol in the blood. Their anti-inflammatory properties also help in preventing various health problems from acne to asthma.
Weight loss with seeds…
Healthy fat and fiber are the main ingredients of flax seed seeds that will help you lose weight, with plenty of vitamin B, magnesium, zinc and potassium. They soften the appetite and give you a long lasting sense of satiety. It treats inflammation, and another important factor that sometimes can affect to not lose a decagram – it has been discovered that the inflammatory body tends to keep excess kilograms. Flaxseeds alleviate swelling and constipation. Use them with plenty of water to replenish the lost liquid.
These small seeds are an excellent natural cleanser for the body, the release of toxins and cholesterol, and are a true friend to liver and digestive system. They boost immunity and will help you deal with the symptoms of chronic fatigue, weakness, inflammation and jaundice that appear in the body as a sign of accumulated toxins.
They also help in hair loss because they promote its restoration and growth due to vitamin E (nourishes the root of hair and scalp) and omega-3 fatty acids (nourish hair).
- Important nutrients: alpha-linolenic acid, fibers, vitamins B6 and E, folic acid (one of vitamin B), magnesium, lignan (phytoestrogens)
Healthy advice
Seeds of flax should certainly grind; otherwise they will go out the same way as they came in (whole), so you will not benefit from any of the health benefits they offer. If you eat too much flax seed, you will quickly discover their laxative effect.
How much is enough?
One to two tablespoons (15 to 25 ml) of ground flax seeds per day.
How to buy them?
Buy ground flax seeds or flaxseed flour, or mix them in a clean coffee grinder. Keep them in the refrigerator or in the freezer. Select those in the vacuum pack to get the coolest product. If you buy light flaxseed oil, look for it in dark bottles in the refrigerators and buy only as much as you can spend within a month.
- Use flaxseed oil in salad dressings; replace the olive oil with flax. Do not heat it because “good” fat will turn into “bad”
- If you do not have a clean coffee mill in which you would grind the flax seeds, here’s how you can simply “grind” them: put the seeds on the cutting board and soak them with a little bit of water (just enough to keep them wet and stay in place), then chop with a large kitchen knife
- You have no eggs? The food processor place 1 tablespoon ground flax seeds and 3 tablespoons (45 ml) of water, and mix for 1 minute. Leave the mixture until it becomes adhesive. Use it instead of egg for frying chicken or fish; for connection of minced meat; or for making muffin or pancakes.
Other important seeds – here.
Author: Ema Brajdić, IFBB Bikini
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